Thursday, February 25, 2010

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Weight Losing Tips

Tips for losing weight without sacrificing food or taking medicines...


Friday, February 12, 2010

Mesothelioma - A fast spreading form of cancer

About mesothelioma

In the UK, about 1,800 people get mesothelioma each year. Mesothelioma is four times more common in men than women.

The mesothelium

The mesothelium consists of a thin layer of mesothelial cells. A mesothelium layer surrounds some of the organs in the body. Each mesothelium has an inner (visceral) layer and an outer (parietal) layer. These two layers produce fluid which allows the layers to slide over each other easily.

If you have mesothelioma, the mesothelium thickens due to the growing cancer cells. This causes the mesothelium to restrict what it surrounds, such as the lungs or bowels. Fluid can also collect between the inner and outer layers of the mesothelium which can put pressure on surrounding organs and tissues. This collection of fluid has a different name, depending on where it is. For example, if the fluid is in the mesothelium surrounding the lungs it's called pleural effusion and if the fluid is in the mesothelium around the abdomen (tummy) it's called ascites.

Symptoms of mesothelioma

The general symptoms of mesothelioma include:

  • fever

  • sweating - particularly at night

  • unexplained weight loss

  • feeling tired

Depending on which mesothelium is affected by the cancer, you may also have other symptoms.

If you have pleural mesothelioma you may:

  • have chest or back pain

  • feel breathless

  • cough

  • have a hoarse voice

  • have difficulty swallowing

If you have peritoneal mesothelioma you may:

  • have a swollen abdomen

  • have abdominal pain

  • lose your appetite

  • have diarrhoea or constipation

Although not necessarily a result of mesothelioma, if you have these symptoms you should visit your GP.


Water forms a major component of the tissues and cells of the body. Without water the human body will survive only a few days. Water is also a key part of any weight loss program. Water is very necessary for helping the body remove fat, and for general overall health.

The average person should consume 8 to 10 eight-ounce glasses of water each day. Although water is the best "thirst-quencher," other liquids (such as juices, milk, sodas, and teas) can help meet fluid needs. High sugar and high caffeine beverages are not the best choices because they can lead to increased urination.

The following are some of the benefits of water:

* Water suppresses appetite and reduces fat deposits in the body.
* Water not only fills you up and lessens your appetite, it prevents those "hungry horrors" we all encounter when our blood sugar drops and we reach for cookies, candy, ice cream, fries or other high-calorie treats. Thus it keeps a check on your health and diet.
* Water assists the body in metabolizing stored fat, because your liver is overloaded when your kidneys don't get enough water. Your liver metabolizes fat, and it can't do that 100% if it is doing the kidneys job.
* Water relieves fluid retention problems.
* It reduces sodium buildup in the body.
* It helps to maintain proper muscle tone.
* Water rids the body of waste and toxins and relieves constipation.

Tips on water intake:

* Drink a minimum of 64 ounces per day (2 quarts).
* Drink an additional 8 ounces per day for every 25 pounds overweight.
* It is better to drink the water cold, it is absorbed quicker and may burn more calories.
* Drink clean water, bottled or filtered.

Nine Simple Steps to Learning Guitar

Learning how to play guitar is a fantastic but often difficult experience. Here are some essential pointers to help you on your way.

Whether you have just bought yourself a guitar, or if it has been gathering dust in the corner of a room and you want to give it another crack of the whip, there are some fundamental guidelines that can be followed to accelerate your learning. Some people find
learning the guitar much easier than others, but it is universally agreed that it is anything but an easy procedure to see through, but then again, you never do stop learning the guitar.

1. First thing’s first, get a guitar that you are totally comfortable with. If you go into a music
store take your time, explore and get a feel for the guitar you think will be yours. After all, you will be spending a lot of time with it.

2. For beginners, learn some of the most common chords. Try A, C, D, Dm, E, Em, F and G. Eight chords may seem daunting at first, but, given enough practice (and it will not take long) you will know them by memory pretty quickly. And yes, it is normal for your fingertips to blister initially. You may also find it difficult to position your fingers strategically on the fret board to meet the demands of certain chords, but just keep practising and your fingers will adapt in time.

3. Ditch the generic manual, and, unless you find a guitar tutor that teaches you the music you want to play, ditch him/her too. It is often overlooked, but learning the songs from bands you enjoy, and listen to, can be crucial to your learning. Now, if your favourite artist is Eric Clapton, don’t feel so downhearted if you can’t play ‘Classical Gas’ just yet! Though, you can definitely work towards that type of track in time. Some of the most popular songs from The Beatles, Oasis, and Greenday are relatively easy to play. For example, Oasis’ ‘Wonderwall’ is well known for being novice-friendly.

4. Practise as much as you can. Simply, the more you practice, the better you will become. Try to put aside one hour a day for your guitar practise. If you do this, you will see your skill set soar. It cannot be stressed how important this is! As reported by the NME on 5 January 2008, referring back to his days of learning, Rage Against the Machine’s Tom Morello said, “When I learned that one hour a day caused me to become a better player, I thought, ‘Well, what about two hours a day? Oh look how I’m improving at four hours a day!’, to the obsessive-compulsive lengths of playing eight hours a day”.

5. Focus on areas of your technique that need improvement. You may excel in certain departments ahead of others. For example, you may find strumming much easier to plucking. But remember, never neglect any part of your play at the same time, otherwise it will suffer. Maintain your consistency across the board and deal with obstacles when they arise. It is an enormous sense of achievement once you overcome a problem with your play. And you will meet problems, everybody does! But when you master them, your technique will be that much better for it. Indeed, when you finally master that track that has been driving you crazy for the past two weeks, you can rightfully feel elated.

6. Learn to be patient. A guitar needs time. It will reward you if you put in the effort. From learning new chords to developing the rhythm of your strumming, you will often need a considerable amount of patience.

7. Make sure you have access to all the resources and tools that you need. Any decent music store should have tools for acoustic and electric guitars: plectrums, guitar capos, tuners, artist chord books, electric guitar pedals and amps. You may also want to check out some tablature websites, which are great for finding individual guitar tabs.

8. Practise some more. Honestly, if you are serious about learning guitar, the more time you put in to the instrument, the more you will get out of it.

9. Enjoy yourself! That’s what it’s all about. Play alone, jam with your friends, play your favourite songs and have a good time.
If you follow these guidelines you should see substantial, steady progress soon. Becoming accomplished really depends on how committed you are. If you want it enough, go out and get it!


Many young people go on a crash diet to lose weight without knowing the adverse effects that it can cause on your body. The notion that the solution to weight loss is a crash diet or the ability to stay off food is totally wrong and erroneous and should be avoided as it leads to serious health problems. To lose weight you need not deprive yourself of food or starve yourself. The solution is moderation and it involves making five simple changes in your daily food habits.

1. Don't torture your body. You might think that the less you eat the more you will lose weight. You might go on an extremely low calorie diet and completely avoid anything that carries high calories. Well you will lose weight but then your body will be weak. If you make a habit of consuming fewer calories than your body requires, your body will automatically go into the 'starvation mode', which will definitely result into weight loss but you will be losing not fat but important components of your body like water and muscle. Thus although your size and your weight goes down, the fat still remains. With the result that you will experience lethargy, weakness, Fatigue, hunger pangs, headaches and loss of concentration. Thus try to avoid extremely low or extremely high calorie food intake. Just stop torturing yourself.

2. Balance your diet. Eat more of low calorie high fiber foods such as salads and fresh fruits with each meal. Avoid salad dressings. Eat more of whole grain food and also try out vegetable soups, which are great if you are on a diet. Avoid red meat (beef, pork, ham, sausage), organ meat (liver, brain, kidney) and egg yolks since they are bad for your health as they fall into the saturated fat category. These foods contain high level of calories. Saturated fats, oily stuff, sweets, ice cream and chocolates should be avoided as far as possible. Include sprouts in your food intake, as they are rich in protein.

3. Don't skip meals. Don't commit the mistake of skipping meals. If you are thinking that if you skip one meal you might work towards losing some weight but it is quite the opposite. Because when you eat you tend to eat more and this might work against all your efforts of losing weight. Breakfast is one meal that's very important because as the first meal of the day it helps you to raise your energy levels and provides you energy for the rest of the day. Dinner should always be light. Your body burns few calories while you sleep and if you consume excess calories at dinner, it can easily get stored up in the body as fat.

4. Learn a few tricks.

  • Instead of eating three large meals in a day eat six small meals.

  • Drink two glasses of water prior to each meal.

  • Focus on eating. Relish the food you are eating and don't divert your attention to anything else while you are having your meal.

  • Never eat while watching television since you don't keep track of how much you are eating and you tend to eat more.

  • Chew each morsel thoroughly to liquid consistency. This will help digest the food properly.

  • Pause for a moment before taking an extra serving.

  • Don't overeat and don't get swayed away by seeing your favourite food served on the table, which might contain high calories.

  • When dining out avoid high calorie food.

5. Don't lose heart. Everyone's weight control efforts get sidetracked from time to time. You might get fed up of going on a diet over and over again without getting any result. Don't worry. It is important to remember that temporary setbacks should, after the initial disappointment, serve as stepping-stones to future success. Use your past failures as learning experiences on the way to successful weight control. So pick yourself up and go ahead do it this time.

Tips for Easy Weight Loss

Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day

Fruits and vegetables are packed with beneficial vitamins and antioxidants. They fill up your stomach fast so you feel full earlier. They are also low in calories and helps to keep your calorie count low.

(For knowing the ways CLICK HERE)

Watch for Portion Size

One serving of pasta means 1/2 cup of cooked pasta. However, most restaurants serve a pasta dish with 4 servings of pasta!!! You do not need to finish and clean off the plate every time. You can simply ask to take home the leftover.

(For knowing the ways CLICK HERE)

Go for wholesome fresh foods

If possible, purchase fresh foods and avoid package (processed) and convenient foods such as fast food. Packaged and convenient foods are often higher in sodium and fat content. Many people we spoke to are amazed that they can easily lose weight by packing a home-cooked lunch to work instead of eating out.

(For knowing the ways CLICK HERE)

Exercise, period

Most authorities recommend 30 - 60 minutes of physical activity a day to stay healthy. Also try adding weight-bearing exercises at least 2 times a week. This will help burn some of the unwanted calories.

(For knowing the ways CLICK HERE)

Don't be overly-restrictive

Everyone has his or her favorite treats. Simply allow yourself a little indulgence, but watch out for the frequency and the quantity. Having a small treat once in a while can be rewarding to your weight loss experience. Cutting too much of your favorite treats usually lead to an early relapse.

(For knowing the ways CLICK HERE)

Healthy Ways to Gain Weight

Do you think that you are underweight? Though you eat all the fatty and oily stuff and eat lots of sweets and diary products and drink gallons of whole milk and cream, then also nothing seems to be working for you. You still remain as thin as a hockey stick. Well don’t despair, it is not impossible to put on weight. But remember that you should aim for a healthy weight gain and not just adding body fat. To do so you should know a few things about your body.

Your Genes

Genetics play an important role in shaping your body. And this is hereditary, which means that if your parents are thin then there are chances that you will have a similar body type and you can work out how your body might change with age. Secondly your lifestyle also plays an important role in your shape. If your life steams along at a frenetic pace, you don't eat regular meals, you're unlikely to put on weight easily. If you are a fidgeter and it is impossible for you to relax, then you will face this problem. People who fidget constantly can burn up to 700 calories a day - that's about two whole chocolate bars!

Your Diet
The main thing about putting on weight is that you do it sensibly and that you put on the 'right kind' of weight: muscle rather than fat. Thus if you want to put on weight you need to you need to take in more calories than you burn up. The best source of calories is from carbohydrates - you should try to get at least 70% of your calorie intake from carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice and pasta. Up to 15% of calories should come from protein and the rest from fat.


  • Keep a food diary for a couple of weeks to learn more about your eating habits.

  • Rather than struggle to eat really big meals plan 3 regular meals plus 2 to 3 snacks.

  • Make meals a little larger or more calorific, for example, an extra slice of toast at breakfast; drink grape juice rather than orange juice; make coffee with milk; serve an extra spoon of mash, rice or pasta; be more generous with healthier unsaturated oils, salad dressing and spreads; always have a dessert.

  • Have snacks to hand so you never go short. For example, nuts, seeds and raisins; pots of rice pudding, custard or yoghurt; cereal or cereal bars; milk or yoghurt, wheatmeal biscuits; cheese and crackers; fruit plus small chocolate bar.

  • Stop drinking non-caloric beverages. That includes diet soda, and plain coffee or tea. Choose skim or 1 percent milk (we want healthy calories, not fat, so avoid milk with higher fat contents), 100 percent fruit juice or sports drinks.

  • Make it a habit to routinely choose foods that are higher in calories. Each meal should include some type of starchy food (potato, rice, pasta, bread, cereal), fruits and vegetables, and a protein source (chicken, red meat, fish, peanut butter, legumes, eggs, cheese).

Exercise Regularly
Regular exercise and activity will help your body gain muscle and not unwanted fat. To gain weight in a healthy way, keep bones strong and your body toned. Ensure regular physical activity for 30 minutes, 5 days a week. You can go in for brisk walking, swimming, cycling or join a gym. Take care not to be too active. If you are someone who is always on their feet, make time each day to relax. Remember that you need to consume more calories than you can burn up. As always, check with your GP first if you haven't exercised for a long time.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

How To Lose Weight Sensibly

Who should lose weight? Health experts generally agree that adults who are overweight and have weight-related medical problems or a family history of such problems can benefit from weight loss. Some weight-related health problems include diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, or high blood sugar levels. Even a small weight loss of 10 to 20 pounds can improve your health by lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Your body weight is controlled by the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you use each day. So, to lose weight you need to take in fewer calories than you use. You can do this by becoming more physically active or by eating less.

Following a weight loss program that helps you to become more physically active and decrease the amount of calories that you eat is most likely to lead to successful weight loss. A weight loss program should also help you keep the weight off by making changes in your physical activity and eating habits that you will be able to follow for the rest of your life.

To lose weight and keep it off, you should follow a weight loss program that will work for you. Three types of weight loss programs commonly used include: do-it-yourself, clinical and non-clinical programs.

Any efforts to lose weight by you or with a group of like-minded others through support groups, worksite or community-based programs fits in the "do-it-yourself" category. Individuals using a do-it-yourself program rely on their own judgment, group support, and products such as diet books for advice.

Clinical program may or may not be commercially owned. Services are provided in a health-care setting such as a hospital, by licensed health professionals such as physicians, nurses, dietitians, and/or psychologists. In some clinical programs, a health professional works alone; in others, services are provided by a group of health professionals. This program may offer services such as nutrition education, medical care, behavior change therapy, and physical activity.

Non-clinical programs may or may not be commercially operated, such as through a privately-owned weight loss chain. They often use books and pamphlets that are prepared by health-care providers. These programs use counselors (who usually are not health-care providers and may or may not have training) to provide services to you. Some programs require participants to use the program's food or supplements.

Other weight loss methods used to treat severely overweight patients include low-calorie diets, prescription weight loss drugs and surgery. If you are considering a weight loss program and you have medical problems, or if you are severely overweight, programs run by trained health professionals may be best for you. These professionals are more likely to monitor you for possible side effects of weight loss and to talk to your doctor when necessary.

The key to successful weight loss is making changes in your eating and physical activity habits that you will be able to maintain for the rest of your life. The first step is to look at your eating and physical activity habits, thus uncovering behaviors such as television watching, that lead you to overeat or be inactive. Next you'll need to learn how to change those behaviors.